Given the extent to which the aircraft was stripped post-war, it is remarkable that it still retains its original Lockheed Data Plate on the aft face of the Engine Control Stand. This plate is clearly stamped SERIAL 37 6371 and MODEL PV1. The engine type is described as 2SBG for the Pratt & Whitney R-2800-2SB-G. When QAM acquired the fuselage, the number 6371 was clearly visibile etched into the skin of the rear fuselage under the tailplane. Thus there can be no doubt that this is the correct Data Plate. Also visible are the larger numbers 96 from the RAAF serial number A59-96. With QAM's acquisition of a completely stripped fuselage began a quest for parts that is still ongoing. Amongst the parts acquired in the ensuing years were up to six Hudson/Ventura Engine Control Stands. The source of these items is not recorded but evidently one of them included the original Lockheed Data Plate from A59-96! For the stripped fuselage to be reunited with its original data plate is truly remarkable. The restored Engine Control Stand was installed in the cockpit circa 2014.Pictures: Angelo Calleja & Nick Sayer