CAC CA-18 MUSTANG MK. 23 "A68-201" Nell (Replica)




The Mustang replica is dedicated to the memory of
Alan Scott 1914 -1953.
The aircraft is named Nell in honour of his wife Eleanor (Nell).

QAM thanks Lyn & Gary Scott for the donation of this aircraft.


    During 2004, QAM member Gary Scott, confronted by other tribute replica aircraft, decided that he could do better. Armed with an Associate Diploma in Mechanical Engineering and a love of aeroplanes, Gary resolved to tackle the formidable task of replicating the Mustang. With the full support of wife Lyn and their family, it was decided that the Mustang replica would be dedicated to the memory of Gary's father, Alan, a wartime Liberator Flight Engineer who was lost at sea in 1953. The replica was funded by Lyn and Gary Scott and donated to QAM. Gary has expressed his appreciation for the assistance and input from fellow Queensland Air Museum volunteers. QAM records its gratitude to Lyn and Gary for constructing this very fine replica and for donating it to the Museum.

The replica is of all metal construction and includes several genuine Mustang components.The fictitious serial number A68-201 was chosen as the next in sequence after the Australian production run which carried serials from A68-1 to A68-200 inclusive.
  Construction began at Lyn and Gary Scott's residence at Little Mountain on the Sunshine Coast.
  Relocated to the Queensland Air Museum, Caloundra for assembly and completion.
  The aircraft was dedicated to the memory of Alan Scott at a ceremony at QAM Caloundra. The aircraft will be placed on permanent display at QAM.
    Builder's Comments:
"Real parts (or equivalents used in various aircraft including Mustang) were mainly supplied by David Bussey, Guy Kendall and Les Boughen or were purchased by myself from various sources. 'Real' parts include; many instruments, rudder pedals, control column grip, radio, oxygen mask, ammo and my heart! Genuine but non-Mustang aeroplane parts also include canopy (CAC Sabre), wingtips (Cessna), control cable pulleys (dH Venom) and control rods (Beech 18). Moulds taken from a genuine Mustang for fibreglass replication include port and starboard inner and outer wheel fairing door stiffeners, exhaust stub shrouds and prop spinner. Excepting trim tabs, all flight control devices are functional."


Compiled by Ron Cuskelly



During a recent rearrangement of exhibits, the aircraft was briefly out in the sunshine. Thanks to Angelo Calleja for this image.
Original issue.